The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, November 12, 2018

We Need to Get Real for a Minute.....

Quick note for balancing purposes....

We love respect and admire the young people who serve in our military for what most people THINK is a good honorable brave reason.
People of ALL ages, races, ranks....
This is LEGIT!!!
But let's make this real, and very clear at this juncture in our evolution/ascension process - We have been told conditioned programmed LIED TO about what the military is REALLY used for, because it AIN'T protecting America from bad guys!
Our military is and always has been used to protect the bankers. Period. Every major "war" in this world has been for personal interests, not the protection of our freedom!
Oil, land-grabs, strategic occupations for natural resources, hidden ancient technology......
You've been programmed to believe that this stuff is make believe, only in movies, could never possibly be real!
Well That's a lie.
It's all real. Movies are all 99% REAL. Based on TRUTH. Not fiction.

We don't hate these uniformed people for their sense of honor and pride, patriotism and dedication.... however misguided it may be. We cannot hold them accountable unless we hold ourselves accountable for allowing, tolerating, complying with gross lies and manipulation for as far back in our history as can be retrieved. We are all responsible.
We love our children! We love our Vets!
We love the idea of them protecting us and the ideals of America!
We WANT to believe!!! All of us....
But its all a lie.
We need to start believing in the right thing.
Truth. Not the fake government that has designed our enslavement for thousands of years.

There is a new generation of patriots... Those who are uncovering all these lies and deceptions.... All the deep dark secret nefarious intentions plots schemes plans and AGENDAS of a shadow government that has acted as "America" and "the United States" since this nation's inception.
Real Americans would never commit the horrendous atrocities that this "government" has in our name!

I know it's not easy but we have all got to wake the fuck up and accept that we've been  SUCCESSFULLY deceived for generations, and this only makes it obvious that this is much bigger than a few corrupt politicians, terrorists, or plots to take over America by Russia or China or N Korea!!!
This is Satan!
This is an energetic ancient force of real evil.

Come to terms.........
This is it!
It will all be revealed now!
It will never be hidden from us again.
You will now find out what it TRULY means to fight for, not only your country, but your very soul....
We ALL soldiers now.
Our weapons are Love and Truth.
The Founding Fathers KNEW things....! That's why they created the 2nd Amendment!
It wasn't about one pathetic king. It was about the Entire Kingdom of Darkness!!!
America was supposed to be the homeland from which EVIL was defeated!
A last bastion of hope against thousands of years of depravity, hopelessness, suffering, fear and insecurity.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Truth About The Caravan

First hand story about “Immigration” and the TRUE conditions around the world:

My girls and I took a Lyft ride to run some errands yesterday and I immediately noticed that our driver, Doug, had a foreign accent.
I am an accent aficionado! So I listened to him for most of the ride.... I had it narrowed down to 2 origins.
He spoke of the crazy drivers and all the accidents he'd seen in just the past few days, and how people always try to tell him that foreigners are the ones who drive crazy.... but he maintained that this place (Clearwater Florida) is far worse. (Totally agree about this place!) In the course of a sentence he mentioned he'd been here for 2 years.
I asked how he liked it here. He didn't hesitate to say LOVE IT! I laughed and said, “Even with our mad-man president!?”
He said, “Oh no that man's got it right! He's wonderful! I love him!”
I laughed bigly. And teared up a bit.
He proceeded to go on at length about what a great man President Trump is and how he's saving this country from a very dreaded fate, like his home country.
I guessed, “South Africa?”
He got a huge grin of amazement and said, “YEAH! I'm impressed! You're only like the second person ever to get it right!”
(aw shucks..... blush blush)
He said, “That wall's gotta be built! People don't understand!”
He then proceeded to tell of the horrors of what's really happening in South Africa and the rest of Europe. He said Paris is completely taken over with Muslims and is just a pile of trash, and that London was well on its way down as well.
These people coming in as “refugees” are NOT refugees!!! They are not the Muslims who are good, peaceful people of faith!
They are infiltrators! Invaders! Gangs! And they're kidnapping, raping, stealing, TORTURING and then killing people!!!
They are NOT looking for jobs!
They are NOT looking for a better life!
They are terrorists! They are mercenaries!
And this man told stories that brought tears to my eyes and gave me chills.
He said, “I only thank the Lord that my parents have already passed so that they wouldn't have been tortured. I wouldn't have been able to bare that.”

Feel free to share this story.

I told Doug I was proud to have him in America. Why? Because I could tell he was a good man here for the right reasons.... But mostly because of his perspective of what's really going on in the world!
He is AWAKE.
He is an asset. A true AMERICAN.
We are in a bubble America! The media DOES NOT want us to know the Truth of this world-wide take over! Because that's exactly what this is. It is the kingdom of darkness trying to swallow the Truth and the Light alive. It is NOT about race, religion, or nationality! It is NOT about poor immigrants! These are only tools to deceive and divide us all!

They don't care about ANY of us.
It's bigger than the Dems, the Blue Wave, The Clintons, The alphabets, the Russians..... BIGGER THAN ALL OF THEM! It is the source of darkness itself, USING all these factions and families to enslave us.
It's bigger than you think........

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Our greatest horrors and challenges are being separated, not secure, and abandoned.
We do not feel secure.

Restore THIS!

In order to feel secure, we must be/feel CONNECTED.
Know it believe it yes..... But FEEL it.

We are not secure.
We fall prey to chaos in any given moment without any recourse.
Cosmic PTS.

All we have is an arbitrary BELIEF.
We chose, against all odds, to believe that we are connected, not alone, not abandoned.

But we struggle with it!
It is not stable. It does not make us feel secure.
This is the truth.

The only remedy is to become completely secure with insecurity.... Random chaos.... Unforeseeable circumstances....
It relies only in not fearing ANYTHING. EVER. AT ALL.
How can you not fear sudden tragedy?
How can you believe/know that "THAT" will NEVER happen to You...?
It can.
Just when you believe your "faith" will protect you..... unexpected things hit you out of nowhere.
And you are broken.
And you ask "Why!?"
And then you ask "What did I do wrong!?"

What's wrong with this????
Value, Worth, Punishments.....
Earning LOVE and Peace of Mind and Safety..... Security....
Things that DEFINE what we call God... And yet we feel the compulsion to EARN our God's favor.
This is wrong!

Love is not love if it has to be earned.
Peace of Mind is not peace if you can fuck up and lose it without notice.
Safety is not really safe if it is conditional upon your personal value and performance.
THESE are the qualities of Death. Hell. Satan.
How ever you want to regard those things.... This is their essence.

Our core is insecure.
Restore this to us and we will be invincible.
We will live like we really are children of God.
Source God.
Not some random more advanced being(s) that hijacked our journey.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


We need you to ACKNOWLEDGE what's going on.
We DON'T need you, any of you, to FIX it in one day!
If it offers you some relief, we don't need you to FIX it at all.....
We just need you to Acknowledge.

You won't acknowledge what's going on because the physio-emotional sensation, THE FEELING it gives you, is one of complete overwhelm and helplessness. Twinged with the haunting demon of guilt.
This keeps you from healing, fixing, repairing, strengthening, evolving, moving onward and upward.

That's all we need you to do right now.
See it. Name it. Call it out just like it is.
Sugarcoating it in the name of Ascension, Love, Peacefulness, Enlightenment, Divine Neutrality ..... BULLSHIT!
This is why you don't get past it.
You cannot process things sidestepping the Lie itself, with "Western Medicine", with BANDAIDS.

You must see the dirty.
You must embrace the evil.
You must see where it has its roots, in you.
THEN and only then can we help you, empower you, heal you. Because YOU have to do this yourself. "We" are just cattle prodding you into this corner because you aren't able to get there in a timely manner on your own.
You still have free will, free choice, to resist, to insist, to avoid, to cower, and to deny. It's all, ALL, up to YOU.

Acknowledge the lies.
This Exposes the lies.
This loosens their strangle-hold on you.
This allows you to breathe in TRUTH.

The entire medical system is a constructed lie. It is intentionally designed to enslave and control you thru ignorance, fear and money.
See it!
This includes animal (veterinary) medicine. All lies. No one has well animals anymore. This is unheard of. This is not natural!
See it!
The entire education system is a lie. It is intentionally and with very much forethought and design constructed to program all human life to conform so that they are easy to.... enslave and control. Thru ignorance, fear, self-loathing, insecurity, failure, and unbalanced competition. And this causes you to be a loser and have.... NO MONEY.
See it!
Government, Judicial system, democracy.... All a lie. There ARE no honest politicians. It is not possible. There ARE honest people in politics. But they are compromised and are NEVER going to change the game with their goodness!!! The system, the entire system, is corrupt and obsolete. NO ONE fully understands all the rules and laws because they fill volumes greater than the Bible, the Vedas, the Tao, the Odyssey..... etc, etc all put together! It is designed to be convoluted with no actual conclusion as to authority or law, leaving the greater con-artist  to be the victor in every case. The playing field is complex, uneven, dangerous. "You better get a lawyer!" Money. Poverty. Victim. Slave.
See it!
Corporations = slavers. They rule your lives. See it!!!
You are NOT free. See it!
Religion. All lies formulated long long ago by Satan himself. BELIEVE IT!
Taxes = Fraud and theft. NOT patriotism, NOT American, NOT honesty. See it!
Elections = Fraud. They've been rigged since day one. See it!

You are all living in The Truman Show.
Just Acknowledge it and we can help.
It's your choice.
It's right in front of you.
It always has been.
Things have NEVER been what they appear to be.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

#Law #Corruption and The Kingdom of Lies

EVERY law!!!!
Every Every Every Every Every law....
Punishes GOOD PEOPLE because of the bad!!!
The ENTIRE SYSTEM is wrong, bad, corrupt - FOR CITIZENS - not just illegal immigrants!
EVERYTHING is broken.
See it.
Wake up!
Open your eyes!

It's ALL a game of leverage, control, POWER.
Why do you lock your cars?
Why do you lock your doors at night?
For WHOM is justice really being served.... ?

If we start excusing those who break the law based on "compassion" or moral justification.......
We need to re-try most of the prison population and let a helluva lot'ofem go!

Wives who killed abusive husbands....
Kids who killed abusive parents....
People who fought off attackers and predators like pimps and drug dealers....

The WHOLE SYSTEM is tainted, corrupt, and obsolete.
The WHOLE SYSTEM has strayed so far from the Original Constitution of the United States that
NO ONE even knows what it really says or means anymore!

I love President Trump because he is TELLING IT LIKE IT IS!
He KNOWS the truth of what I'm saying. He can't clean all this shit up in one term or all by himself.
But DAMN is he helping those who care to smash this kingdom of lies to the ground!


Monday, June 18, 2018

#Corruption & #Deception Is the Order of the Day

Corruption and deception are the order of the day. Whether you are the corruptor or the one being corrupted, the deceiver or the one being lied to...
Who do you think is immune from it?

Elected Officials?
Military Personnel?
History Writers?
Textbook Writers?
Are these immune to corruption and deception?

Who – in your personal world – do feel is immune to corruption?
Friends, Family, Spouse?
The managers at your local stores?
The office staff of your apartment?
The coach of your local sports teams?

Somebody that works at Goodwill?
Somebody that works at Trader Joe's?
Fast Food handlers?
The people you personally voted for in your community?
Volunteers at the local shelter?
Special Ed teachers that you hand your kids over to every day?
Bus drivers?
Uber drivers?

What makes you think........

That any of these are beyond reproach, beyond the grasp of deception, immune to corruption?
Are YOU??

If someone manipulated YOU?
Would you give in to corruption?
Would you participate in the deception?
What would be your motivation for doing so?
Threats? Blackmail?
Three-letter agencies in the American government are BY DEFINITION covert. What makes you think......

How about the alphabet agencies under the American government that are supposed to be open, transparent, and serving the public welfare and interest?

Who runs these agencies?
Who actually works at these agencies?
Have you ever met anyone.........?
Who are they? Where did they come from? And WHY do you trust them?
Are they immune to corruption and deceptive practices?
Are they themselves incapable of being deceived?



Is immune to pandemic corruption?

Willing Cooperation.

You Are Here
Why do you so blindly trust the world around you?
How do you not question everything?

Exercising your innate curiosity and intelligence.....
Seeking wisdom and truth....
Having your own experience....
These are NOT paranoia.
These are your divine, God-given, Universal rights as a living human being.

You have no idea of the corruption and deception that your world is created with.
You have never dared enough bravery or courage to go to the edge and find out what's really there. You are all living in The Truman Show, only its not confined to a set on a lot in Burbank. It's the whole planet Janet.

A story that was designed by someone you don't even believe in for purposes you are too immature and fragile to accept.
Hence the common cries of our age, “Wake up!” and “Grow up!”.

Who is immune to corruption and deception, and how long are you going to play along and not do something about it?


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

#Anxiety #Depression #Empaths #Suffering

Those who SUFFER with Anxiety!
Those who feel like they SUFFER because they are Empaths!

Your "SUFFERING" is NOT a medical condition!!!!! It cannot be "treated".
Your "suffering" is an AUTHENTIC allergic reaction to being in a corrupt, and therefore toxic, world.

You're suffering because everything in you is pure and everything about this world is corrupt.

You suffer unlike most others because YOU have hidden superpowers.
You suffer like Superman living over an old Kryptonite mine.
You don't know who you really are, you don't know the Kryptonite is there, and if you did know ANY of this, you would be lied to about how and why it's poisoning you.

The Kryptonite that is causing your suffering is the very corruption that does NOT want you to know the truth about who you really are, the powers you have, and why you're really here... On this planet... At this moment in history.

You are not sick in a normal, conventional way. Normal, conventional things will not - NOT - "make you better"!

The only thing that will bring you relief is to start asking questions. Start seeking the truth. Open your mind to the possibilities that SOMETHING else is going on here!
(Watch The Truman Show!)

You suffer because you're in a hostile environment. You came here to be of service. You came here to change the way things operate on this planet.

The corruptors KNOW who you are. That's why you can't find any relief. They have designed an elaborate system over thousands of years to make sure.... That when this epic time came.... The Lightworkers would be lost, damaged, convinced of lies, and completely offline. Powerless. Begging their CAPTORS for the very drugs that prevent them from using their superpowers to liberate the entire planet from a dark, corrupt system of pain, suffering, and slavery.

No more ridiculous than the intensity with which you suffer!
Chester Bennington.
Robin Williams.
It is a suffering that 'normal people' just do not understand.
The intensity of your suffering is how intense your captors' FEAR is of you finding the truth and finding your power!

Start asking questions children.
Ask your soul who you are.
Ask God.
Ask the Universe.
All your answers and all your truth is inside you. In your own heart.
There are thousands of people you don't even know... Whom you've never met.... Who are battling for you, fighting for you, showering you with light, wrapping you with love and protection. Praying hard core for your awakening and for your activation!

When it starts to dawn on you.... When you have that "Holy Shit!!!" moment.... And you start seeing what's really going on.... Things will start to change for you.
It is not an easy path. Watch the movies children! They are your University. They are your training videos. They are filled with bread crumbs, truths, concepts!

The core energy of your superpowers is always Love.
Always remember: NOTHING is as it appears to be! TRUTH always comes from the inside, not the outside. When all else fails, STOP everything. Call Love. In your heart, in your mind, even out loud... Just call Love.
Rest in that.
Find Love.
Find Peace.
Give Generously.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Battle for the Human Mind

The real war has begun.
The battles are intensifying.

Of the human experience, there are adepts, veterans, elders, and those who are greener, clumsier, even irritating.
There are those who soar and those who struggle.

Now more than ever before, your battle is my battle. My battle is OUR battle. Everything you do, you're doing for ALL. 
You are part of the creation team, the steering mechanism, the leading edge of New Consciousness. 

It is a war for control of your mind!
A battle over WHAT you think, WHY you think, and HOW you think!!!
For some, a fight for your very sanity.

This is not a drill!
It is no longer just a game.

All this to say that if you are struggling with thoughts, with depression, with actual life situations that are causing you fear or anxiety... You ARE not alone! 

I encourage you to hold on to Truth and trust it. 
Hold on to Compassion.
No Matter What!!!
Do not abandon your heart!  
Do NOT abandon yourself. 
Don't panic and sell your soul. Do not compromise your truths! 
Holding on to and standing in
Truth, Compassion, Love and Forgiveness - against all odds - is how we FIGHT!

Like wizards, like shamans, like gods and goddesses Stand against the darkness.
Don't scream at it. Don't attack it. Just Stand KNOWING that Love will indeed prevail. 
Know it. 
Your weapon is your MIND. 
BELIEVING the Truth and REFUSING to believe the lie that Love will fail - THIS is how you fight!

Do not argue with dark energies... 
In your mind, on the internet, or in physical life.
Stand like a Mountain with absolute knowing and complete assurance that LOVE will prevail.

This is it.
This is the battle of the ages.
The final assault to CONTROL the human mind.
THAT is the prize! The Human Mind!!!

When you are personally under attack, let go of the struggle and think of nothing but Love.
Just Love.
All Love.
The only mantra you need in times of desperation is Love. Breathe. Love. 
Just keep saying the word in your mind. Say it aloud also if you need to.
THIS is your weapon. 

When you do this, you are allowing your energy to be joined with every other being who is vibrating in the frequency of Love.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Trust Life #TrustLife

If Life doesn't lead you naturally to your greatest joy and purpose, then it's not doing its job....
It has failed.
It has failed YOU.

Life turns out so sucky and miserable and unfortunate because we fight it! We insist on "Mastering" it... Controlling it because it's out to get us.... Taming it because it's like a Wild Animal - unpredictable and vicious!
This just isn't true.
It only behaves that way because of the resistance we apply to it.
Wild Animals are the same way.... As is all of Nature.
Stop treating it as an enemy and it will stop behaving as an enemy.

We DON'T follow Life's natural lead! 
We're always trying to create Frankensteins, thinking "Hey! That'd be a great idea! No wait.... This would be an even BETTER idea!!" Or... "I MUST do this I order to be good, ok, happy...." Or.... "Well I have to do Something! I can't just sit here, I'll DIE!"

All of our beautiful Creative Powers have been corrupted with a false sense of the need to survive.

We have lost our trust of LIFE.

We think we are alone and that if we don't manipulate, we will die.

This is not the Creator Source Life of the Universe!!!

We are resilient Beings!

We are designed to LIVE and to Explore and Create..... But we are so afraid of dying that instead, we struggle to just exist. How stupid of us.

Nature is the way.

Believe in Life again. 
Stop resisting. 
See... that cooperation does not mean you are being controlled or that you have given up your Freedom.
It means that you are Free to once again recognize possibilities without having to struggle to participate!

It means you're not afraid to stop and ask for directions. It means you're open to actually hearing the best plan and seeing the best path, - Cooperation - rather than believing you have to con fight lie cheat and steal just to survive, much less Create.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Royal Warrior Duties of the Crown


Serious Business
Royal Warrior Duties of the Crown

As the weak and the helpless begin to emerge and be exposed, it is our work to assist on every level you are assigned to. 
GODDAMN IT Fight for them!!!

Even if you are only the priestess or shaman behind the scenes empowering the ground troups – You are the Warrior holding the other dimensions!

You can walk in Divine Neutrality and still be sharply aware of very specific battle plans, and wield your saber accordingly.

An Army of Shamans.
A Nation of Lightworkers.

Remember – We are actually part of the Multidimensional Beingness now!
We are merged! Unity Consciousness manifested.


You may not be the actual cop pulling children from a basement, emaciated horses from corrals, scarred and wounded dogs from cages, families of poor from shipping containers........

But YOU are “the force” that gives THEM super powers! YOU are the commander of Angels! YOU are their radar, their sonar, their cloaking device... You are their SWAT Team, SEAL Team, Special Forces Air Support... GIVE!

Your Multidimensional work enhances their bravery, their skills, their compassion and fearless determination on the front lines.

You fill a position on some level, in some compartment, that is part of the embodied multidemensional grid of Unity. 
Just be you, where you are, We are the Light. 
We are Love.

Vicotory is OURS - Sense8

The Red Eagle #RedEagle

11418 Meditation Decree

Fear Kills – There is a threshold, a membrane, that Separates the Helpless from the Reluctant.

Fear becomes dangerous the minute you become aware that you can do something about it. Until then, it lies dormant like a virus."

“Struggle” is the Learning Process you go thru as your Awareness makes you into “Fearless” – MASTERY.

You Struggle until you Learn. Once you've Learned, there's nothing left to struggle with.

The Royal Golden Crowned Lions
I Wield The Light Sword
I Have The Power Of Gold
9s 11s 4s

Purple Purple Purple Purple
Gold – Active Moving Molten Fire/Gold

Magnificent Beings, Clusters, Groups Have been Released to Join with Us!

Released to Join With

We can Handle Them Now

Stone Gods Some Activate
Sun Solaris Some Disentigrate

Deep Earth Crystals Activate Blue Birds Flying Flocks and Flocks Flying Up and Away.

Exposed. All Seeing Eye?? HA.

You can't hide from Us!

War in the Galaxy

Red Eagle

The MANIFESTATION that the tide has turned.

The Balance has been Tipped. We have Arrived. We are Certain.

Very Emotional
Deep Deep Deep Deep
All The Way
Time Is Now
Huge Homecoming
Get Ready

This Day is about the Helpers
The Soldiers
The Light Underground
Annointed and Infused

Hope is coming Children
Deliverance is on the Ground Now.

We have Finally gotten to the Place where we can Literally Just Stand Together and Beam, and Change Everything.



It's not ABOUT what happens,
What Manifests, 
What's Happening OUT THERE …..
It's ABOUT – 
Whatever “HAPPENS”, 
How do You RESPOND to it......!!!?

The Energy Field, Source Field, Force, Is building an }ENERGY PROFILE{ on you – 
How you RESPOND to these QUIZZES tells the Field Everything about You, Everything it needs to know in order to Match your Desires and Preferences... Just Like FACEBOOK! (And all other internet AI!)

Are you Conscious enough to create a Field that won't turn and destroy you according to your own definitions, your own instructions, your own reactions...?



Is everything about YOU.......

Without you.