The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Awareness Evolution

That's what its all about......
Becoming aware.

Awareness is not awareness if it only happened once.
Then its merely history.  It has no life, no meaning.

Awareness is a constant state of being.  A constant state of personal responsibility.  A constant state.  Constantly.

Most of you live in a constant state of history.  
You live based on what you've been told happened in the past whether its true or not.  The only choices you make are which prejudices to side with, which lies you are comfortable believing, which "principles" you will judge others by.

This is not you.
This is not real.
This is not life and you are not aware of anything living.

You vote because you were told that its unamerican not to.
You love this country because you were told that it represents freedom and all that is pure for humankind.
You pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth because you were forced to in school.
You go to the doctor because you were told that it is unhealthy not to.
You get vaccinations because you were told that you will get some horrible disease and die if you don't.  And you'll be the cause of spreading disease to others!
You were told that if you smoke cigarettes you will die of lung cancer.
You were told that there were dinosaurs and that their skin was green.
You were told that you evolved from apes.
You were told that men landed on the moon.
You were told...............
But what did you actually experience?
Why do you actually do the things that you do?
Based on what makes sense now, or based on what somebody else told you...?   How do you know.....
What do you know....

Do you eat just because its dinner time even tho you're not really hungry?
Do you ever know that the phone is about to ring?
Did you ever have a feeling that you weren't gonna make the lite before it turned red?
Did ya ever have a feeling you should grab some butter while at the store even tho you didn't know if you needed any?  Just to get home and see that there was only one dab of butter left....

No one can tell you that you are or are not hungry.  You yourself feel it or you don't.
No one can tell you that you feel the phone about to ring.  You either have that feeling or you don't.
No one can tell you that you feel the rhythm of the traffic lites, or feel the need for butter.... You either feel it or you don't.  
Or someone can just tell you...
"You're about to get a phone call from Dad".
"You're not gonna make that lite!"
"Get some butter on your way home".
None of which requires you to have a feeling about anything.  You're just doing what you're told.  You choose to believe it.  You choose to obey. 

Ever have someone tell you to get butter on the way home but you have a feeling that you don't need butter??
Just to get home and see a brand new container of butter pushed to the back of the fridge on the bottom shelf....?

The point is to evolve into greater and greater awareness.  Are you aware.  
"I had a feeling I shouldn't have done that!"
"I knew I was right!"
"This feels wrong..."
"I know I have permission but this just doesn't feel right..."

Are you aware.

I know what "they" say... but what do I say?  
Does it feel right?
Does it feel right for me?
Does it feel right for me right now?

Capitalism no longer makes any sense.
Public schools no longer make any sense.
Believing everything a "doctor" tells you no longer makes any sense.
Maybe one day it did.  But it is no longer a livable principle.  It has no life in it.
Are you aware of this?  Yes you are.  Will you do anything about it?  No you won't.  You will be afraid.  You will choose to exist in fear rather than live in truth.  Awareness dies inside you and you do not evolve.
When entire generations do this, the whole species does not evolve.

Gasoline engines are no longer wise.  The technology exists to fix this.  But capitalism will not allow it.  So we destroy our planet, everything on it, and ourselves as well as our progenies. 

The point is to evolve in awareness...  
I am evolving in awareness, but you are not.
What happens now...?
Let's find out.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


That's what its all about.
Becoming aware.  

There was a time in (fairly) recent human history when people died of very common and simple conditions such as a cold or a scratch.
Why did this happen?  Today in current human history we know how to deal with colds and scratches so well we don't even need a doctor, just a drug store.

So what changed?  
They became aware of germs.  Infection.  Sanitation.  Very simple science.  But not one that's easy to discover without a microscope.  No one knew what a germ was.  
But for some reason..... somebody got curious and began to explore.  With a microscope. And they found an entire world that lived among us that no one ever knew existed! Microbes!  And the rest is history.

Then came antibiotics.  Vaccinations.  Antiseptics. 
And this not-so-slowly changed our world.  
We became aware... of germs.  Now we knew...  Knew what caused so much suffering, pain and death.  It was all so simple.

And then came capitalism.  Now the germ world is an industry for profit.

But the point is... that NO ONE is any longer aware...!!!  What was once great awareness has now become "history".  And history without awareness is dead.  And if you live in history - what happened in the past - you live in death...  And so you're not living at all.

What do you know about germs right now?
Do you understand how and why you should use: 
Are you aware?

Do you know the consequences of using these things without awareness?


Look around.  We save many more lives these days... don't we...?   But do you know anyone who is NOT sick?
Do you know anyone who does NOT take pills on a regular basis?
Do you know anyone who has not been "diagnosed" with something?
Do you know anyone who can't afford a doctor or medicine but they're sick all the time with something...?

Do you know anyone who is well?  
Anyone who is healthy?

Are there consequences to not understanding germs?
Are there any consequences at all to not understanding antibiotics or vaccinations?

Are you aware of what's happening...?

Monday, December 24, 2012

122112 - Did Anything Happen?

Definite change in energy.

Most don't see it.  Many can't.
Feels like it depends on the crowd you're in...  Maybe it's time for a new crowd.

Certain arenas are filled with frustration and rage.  Is it the arena or is it the rage?  
Get out... Stay out... of the wrong arenas.  Its that easy.

Will it.  Speak to it.  Know it.  
It is what it is, let it be.

Don't resist it.  Navigate it.  Reality is on a different plane now.
(You're able to see this reality from a different plane now.)
Don't judge it.  Don't judge your journey.  Don't comparison it.  Observe it.  Live it.
Feel it... It comes naturally.  It's always been there.
All that was your imagination now has meaning.  Real meaning.  
Incorporate those new/old aspects of your imaginated self into to a whole new you now. And use it.  It's really you now.

Feel the lifelessness of dead energy now.  Feel how choices have no life.  Don't touch dead things.  Don't be afraid of living things!

Create anew.  Don't fight to hold on to the old or the past.  Let it evolve, let it change, let it grow, let it be new for you.  

Freedom.  Absolute and complete freedom.
It's not what they all think it is.  What do you really want?  They don't know what they really want.  So they get "this".   
Freedom... Everyone deserves it, everyone is on a different quest for it.  Don't judge.  They are evolving just like you.  Sometimes best to just remove yourself in order to remain healthy.

Use your spirit body.  

You may say I'm a dreamer..... But I'm not the only one....

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Because they're empty, in pain, and confused... Not because they're evil.
Time to meet the monster... YOU have helped create.
They are genetically very different.  Did you bother to notice this?  Can you not look around you and see how obvious this is....?
They are the generations filled with pesticides, vaccinations filled with only god knows what, fake food, fast food, industrial pollution, synthetic materials.....  
They are the generations that have been lied to, unseen, misunderstood, medicated.
This is judgement day.  This is what you have all turned a blind eye to.  This is the love of money being the root of all evil.

Stop blubbering and asking why you stupid fools.   
This is That!!!

The answers are evident.  Obvious.  Blatant.  SCREAMING AT YOU!  
Will you accept them yet?
How much more is it gonna take....?
What is it gonna take to wake you up and be the change.

Keep going to McDonalds.
Keep going to Walmart.
Keep going to the doctor.
Keep filling your prescriptions.
Keep putting sugar in everything.
Keep voting! (so that you'll "have the right" to bitch when NOTHING changes)
Keep feeding your corporate masters.
And keep wondering why....
You wonder why
You wonder why
You wonder why.....

I wonder why you're so fucking stupid....
I wonder why you can't wake up and see that you're living a lie,
I wonder why you're so afraid of the truth.

Walmart is not ok.
Being homeless is not ok.
Selling your soul for unlivable wages working for a corporation is not ok.
Believing everything a man or woman in a white coat tells you is not ok.
Filling yourself with chemicals is not ok.
Look at the headlines....
THIS is what happens when you do these things and think its ok..........

Take away all the guns.
Take away the pot, the meth, the heroine.
Make everything illegal.

Then what will the kids do...........................................?

Tell me what they will do then.
Then tell me WHY.

Why do people use guns?
Why do people use drugs?

Because they're evil?

Watch your words.
Careful how you judge.
We're all connected.

A Very Special Time

It is a very special time.
It is an actual UN-DOING.
No more wars - We have to WANT THIS.
We have to BE this - It will not be given.
We cannot kill off the zombies.
They must devour themselves - self destruct.


Let go of the past.
This has to be what you want.
Let go of your preconceived notions.
They will drown you.  The water has risen.  There's no turning it off.

You are the new world you want.
Right now.

Stop asking why, and notice the answers that are all around you.

UN-DO your stupidity.  Not because I said so, but because you see it and you want to.

A time like no other that has ever been, nor ever will be again.

Do it.
Live it.
Be Peace.
Be Joy.
Be Abundance.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Into the Strange Land

A strange dog finding herself in a strange nayborhood will keep her tail horizontal and her head low...  She keeps to herself, minds her own bizness, trusts no one...  She keeps on going till she finds purpose, someone who truly needs her.
These are dog days of a different kind....
That strange feeling all around you is not your imagination.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


You were not born to die,
you were born to LIVE.

Dying is just an excuse to get outta living the life you have.

Life begets life.  Help someone live.  

Don't waste your precious life on those who don't need what you have.  
Don't waste your life trying to change people into those that fit you.
Go find the ones who were born to fit you!

Stop being afraid of GOOD!
Stop being afraid of life.

It will leave you behind... 
And you'll have to start all over again.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Break it Down

Write it anywhere, anytime - just write it!

Continue to follow this "thread"... who knew it could be so long...?!

Continue to break it down.... even smaller... no even smaller............ no... you're not getting it - we're going nanno...!
Break   It  Down!
From days... to hours.
Hours to minutes, to seconds............ smaller....!
Seconds to moments... smaller............... to notions................
See it - look around within that notion... 
What do you see - What's in there??
Be still.
No, quieter... more.......... more........ 
Let every particle go..... slower............. slower...................

Keep following...

What Time is It?

Don't even fuck around with doubt!!!
You KNOW what time it is!
Don't Doubt.

Sunday Sermon: Killers

Why is everybody so afraid of killers?
Jesus wasn't.

Jesus never stopped anything bad from happening, he just let things happen.
All he did was talk and show folks what truth is by the life he lived.

This world will pass away... let it pass.  Let the dead die.

"What's real - can't die..." Gregg Alexander.

Jesus didn't stop it.  They begged him to stop things, change things... but he wouldn't... he didn't.
Gotta feed the chaos.  Let it happen - we're not here to change the world.  
We're here "to be".  Be the change.  Be the truth.  That's all Jesus was... an example of embodied truth!
Let go.  
Let it happen.
Therein lies your eternity. 
Just Be.

Those who can, should.
Those who have, should.
Those who don't... well they're the yin to the yang.
Let it spin till it balances itself out.

Jesus said, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Mat.10:34



Your Character is Your Fate!


Being free and unrestricted in your life force determines your immortality.
Live it or lose it.
Fly or die.
Inner faith, belief, "life" thoughts as opposed to restrictive "death" thoughts...

Most people want to die.  They don't want immortality!
Immortality is only worth while if you live each day - reach out, right wrongs, be the good, the lite - give a reason for immortality!
Do NOT be content.
Always do more.
Always reach further.
Settle on the determination to live - like most settle on the "fact" of dying...

Live every day as if it were your last.  Therein lies your immortality!

Stress (guilt & fear) feeds death - physically, mentally, spiritually.

"Life is not a prison and spirituality need not be an attempt to escape from life." Mystic Life

Immortal life includes individual "evolution" - not just mental, spiritual & philosophical... but physical!
Death, even on a cellular level, is only a defense mechanism.  It's to prevent a totally mutated & deformed race from evolving.  It's to prevent the spread of genetic malfunctions.  If we will see and believe this, and approach all things from this point of view, we have opened the door to healing, repair, life!

If "life" had nothing left to protect itself from, the there would be no need or cause to die!


Knowledge is good, as long as it is the hand that feeds the soul.
If it does not feed, nourish & strengthen the soul, 
then it is the hand that becomes an iron fist.

Tru Knowledge is not that which is learned - but that which speaks to you.

The Fall of Mankind

The "fall of mankind" is centered around trying to change (manipulate) what is already there - already given, reaching out to make perfection better.

Don't resist.
Embrace your faults flaws & darkness, then channel them into a flow of good energy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Do You Suck at Your Job?

What is your job?  
Ya know, where do you work what do you do?
Do you suck at what you do?
Do others not like to work with you?  Do people complain about you?
Are you constantly being reprimanded, corrected, written up for some indiscretion?
Are all customers assholes! ??
Do you know all you need to know about how to do your job...?
Why do people complain about you?
Do you honestly think EVERYBODY's out to get you?

Wouldn't you rather want to know how to do you job well, how to do it better and better each day?
Wouldn't you want to hear what others saw you doing so that you could learn more about yourself and how to be better?
Do you care?
Do you give a shit?

Let me answer that for you - No.  You don't.
Why don't you care?
No wait, I got this one too.....
Because nobody else does.

Do you realize that this phenomenon indicates you are not humanoid but of another species?

S H E E P !

Its really easy to be awesome at what you do.  Care.

I've wiped vomit and diarrhea out of the kennels of sick animals at a vets office... And done a damn good job of it!  
Why???  Why would I give a shit?!  Nobody's ever gonna see those kennels!  Nobody will EVER tip me for it.  As long as it "looks" clean, WTF do I care!?

I cared.  And I cared even more because I knew I could get away with doing it half ass, and no one would ever know.

But I would know... I would know that sick animals had been there to recover, and I'm intelligent enuff to know that germs spread.  But most of all.... I always felt myself sitting in that cage.... sick and vulnerable... surrounded by... germs? shit? vomit from the last dog or cat?  That died!  I always felt what it was like to be that "burden" that nobody wanted to be bothered with...  
The mean ones, the dying ones, the cute ones, the stinky ones.... They were all me.  So I fucking cared.

People are stupid.  We work with them everyday.  
I am not stupid.
I do my job well.  I listen to others.  I get fed up and want to quit.  
I don't stay and continue to give a shit because I care about stupid people... but because I care about me.  I am not a sheep.  
I am a goddess.
I make the world go round.
Be the change.... or be a sheep.

Do you suck at your job?
I'm fucking awesome at mine...

Modern American #Capitalism

Do I hate capitalism...
Politics, Government, Facism, Communism, Democracy, Socialism, Theocracy, Dictators, Capitalism... (this is the short list...)
What's so bad about these words?  Why do "we" love some and hate others?  We don't know what these words mean..... So why all the wars???
How much control and power does any one need?  How much wealth is ever enough...?
Who's to judge!? says the capitalist...
I am, you greedy jerk! says the laborer...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blood Sugar

Diet and Exercise affect blood sugar.
Blood sugar affects losing hair - in people and in animals.
High blood sugar = shedding hair.
Also associated with high blood sugar for both humans and animals is:
Anxiety / Worry
Graying Hair
Brittle Hair
Inability to Focus
Failing Eye Sight

What else affects blood sugar?
Green Beans + (positive)
Sweet Potatoes +
Vinegar (including but not limited to salad dressings) +
Exercise such as a steady walk +

Soda -
Corn (non-organic, GMO, in any form) -
Sweet Alcoholic Beverages (such as wine coolers and malts) -
Grocery-Store-Chocolate (what you buy in the gas station or check out line) -
Sedentarianism  -

Almost everyone reading this is or will soon be classified as "diabetic".  Animals too.  Look that word up on Wiki.  Figure it out.

Moving your body in a useful, energy-burning way is exercise.  Could be house cleaning, could be marathon running... but NOT marathon movie watching.
Your body needs to move.  
Your animals' bodies need to move.  When bodies don't move, a part of the psyche assumes its broken.  And so sickness sets in.
Sickness is Nature's way of saying "Something's Wrong!".
Sickness is NOT Nature's way of saying "Go to the doctor/vet!"
Losing too much hair is NOT normal.
Adjust your diet - the food you eat, including the beverages you drink.
Move your body, as if you were alive.
Use it or Lose it!

Bad skin is Nature saying "Toxic Waste Overload!".
Bad hair is Nature saying "Malnourished!"

Processed food for animals is TOXIC.  It is not natural to their systems therefore over time it builds up and presents as the most popular catch-all of our century - allergies.
It's build up, with no other way to escape the body than the skin....


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Observation: Biology - Blood Sugar

Yesterday: I noticed my Jack Russel's breath smelled like model airplane glue!  I recognize that smell from my "diabetic" Miniature Pinscher who has already passed on.  Also note that for months now my Jack Russel has been shedding profusely. PROFUSELY!!!  But yesterday... I also noticed that while he had been napping most of the day on my blue sheet, there was little to no shedded hair on the sheet as usual.  So I pulled on his hair, in different spots all over his bod... and no shedding.  NONE!!!  None.  Bizarre.  
So I get him some dog cookies (natural, organic, homemade.... blah blah blah...) to lift his blood sugar a bit before he has a seizure. 
Then I associate the fact that I have rather recently made note aloud to my associate that I see a pattern :  Thin-haired women are always fat and love to eat, and have obvious blood sugar issues... (because they eat a lot...).
I make this observe/assoce because my very own hair has been falling out like leaves off a sweet-gum tree in the fall....
Ahhhhhhhhhhh........ says the witch doctor!  One plus one is TWO!!!
That explains my shedding but not my dog's sudden drop in blood sugar.  The only things that would cause that are excessive stress - (nope), excessive carbohydrates - (nope), or a food item that seriously affects blood sugar...... hmmmm.........  
The mystery continues.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More of Who We Are

Something new broke open this past Spring 2012.
It is time - it is our time...  To identify completely with who we are.
Accept it, own it, embrace it, live it.
No longer be afraid of it - no arrogance, no guilt, no shame, no superiority... Just truth.
And the truth is - we are who we are.
Highly evolved beings... on a journey that has no beginning and no end.
No limits.
What do you bring to the table?
What has your unique contribution been to this experience, this life, this world?
What energy will you carry into your existence beyond this life?
The question burns brighter and brighter... Who Are You...?
Your inner child...
Your inner freak...
Your inner...... you.
Let yourself out.
A natural born baker, working a road construction job is only gonna be interested in making lunch for his crew.... not in building smoothly paved, durable roadway that will become part of the city for generations to come.... 
So what... Big deal... I made this new bread recipe last night!  Oh my god!  I made sandwiches with it.... Here!  Try one!

Coming out of the closet is not a "gay" issue.  It's a "you" issue.
It's about accepting who you are, and freely embracing that person and living that life.  

And this is scary as hell.  But its the adventure of a lifetime... Your lifetime.

Rather Than Fear Death...

Rather than fear death...  Rather than fight for life, success, health... 
Realize that this biological instinct is indeed very real but misguided.
This instinct is not meant to help you survive, but to exceed survival!!!!
To be indestructible, to ooze with abundance of healing energy!  
Life force! 
Don't fight to survive!  
Don't struggle to be healed.  
That game is only in your mind!
The incredible biological power in your body is meant for so much more than that...........!
Rather than "fear death"   -   live . . . .

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Profound Truth

The world is full of lies because of insecure people who can't handle the truth.


Our minds try to mimic the desire of our souls.
But they cannot.
But we don't know the difference.
This is struggle.

The Script

When you begin to rise above the things written in the script, then you are touching god.
Improvisation = being godlike.
How can I live in a scripted environment...?
Does the Prime Directive apply to those of us born and raised here?
No.  Maybe that's the difference, the enviable quality of being human - we get to actually participate, play the game, make decisions... rewrite the script on behalf of "the federation", the whole.
The greatest, darkest foe in the Star Trek stories was The Borg.  The assimilatiors.
What is the defense against The Borg?
Fearless exercise of self will, independent thought??
Fearless following of... God. God consciousness.  Intuition.  Following... but following freedom, not following fear...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Never Done Before

Are we the ones....
Are we the ones who will do what no one has ever done before?
And how will we do that?
Is that what we are doing right now?
If not now, then when...?

It appears to me that we're doing the same thing that every generation, every civilization, every era of human existence has done before, time and time again.... self destruct.
We see it coming.
We know.
We understand what's happening.
Information is readily available EVERYWHERE!!!
And yet we continue on the same path.
We do nothing as a species to earmark our evolutionary superiority.

What is going on?

Why won't you change!?

Will we do what has never been done before?  . . . . . . . .  Change...  Before it's too late this time.... ? ? ?

Which one are you...?

The Power to Enforce

Ultimately, the one who rules is the one who has the POWER TO ENFORCE the rules.
That one - in this 3 dimensional matrix - is the one who can inflict the most horror or pain.
How many moms have no control over their kids?  This is because these moms don't have the physical strength to dominate.  When dad comes home, the kids run in terror!  Because when HE swings a belt, it hurts for weeks!!!!!!
Pain & fear.
Name those who did not rule by pain & fear.......
What's my motivation to listen, follow, adhere, obey.... If there are no consequences...??
What's my motivation.....?
What is my motivation?
Who rules me?
Whom do I rule over...?

Monday, August 6, 2012

These Times: Summer of 2012

Maybe you've noticed.  
Maybe not...
But the pressure in many of our lives is becoming nearly unbearable.  Deep, heavy, sinking depression.  Insurmountable circumstances.  Not just the usual problems.  Not, "Oh damn.  I forgot to get toilet paper."  More like, "I can't take things the way they are anymore! I need to change!  I feel a change.  I see it right in front of me!  But I can't reach it! The world is closing in on me and I can't even breathe!!"
Why?  What the hell is going on!?
Nothing works anymore.  No methods.  No mantras.  No plans or programs.  Nothing....  Prayers aren't working,  nutrition's not working, being healthy and conscientious isn't working....  It's all turning to bullshit.  All the crutches are crumbling beneath our feet.
At the same time the lines are becoming bolder and more unmistakably clear.  You conform, or you rebel.  You follow, or you feel.
I have no insight and no solutions at this writing.
I'm only writing it to put voice to a common theme to what I'm hearing among souls.  And most loudly within my own soul.
A cry...
I spent an entire day just randomly crying over everything.  Literally crying....  And I don't know why...  Nothing catastrophic has happened in my life.  Things are very much average.  But the cry in my soul has been overwhelming.
And it boils down to this:  I'm sick of this world.  Sick.  My heart is broken, and bleeding, and hurting, and it will not be healed by anything less than.....  ?
Enough bullshit.
Enuff!!!  Enuff taking the same goddamn circle over and over again and expecting to end up in a better place!  
Enuff with fools.
Enuff with stupidity.
Enuff with double standards.
Enuff with slave labor in the name of capitalism, which sails under the name of patriotism, which sails under the brand "AMERICA".
Enuff with dumb stupid rednecks who want to shoot people for speaking a truth they're scared to see because the only identity these rednecks have is... their red necks....
Enuff with rights.
Enuff with government.
Enuff with politics.
Enuff.......  Enuff with making me spell enuff with an ough.....  REALLY!!!
It's over.....  This world cannot go on this way.  It simply cannot.  The warning cries have been going out for years.  The warning signs are everywhere.  Good people continue to suffer.  It's not changing.  It's not getting better.
So if you feel this.... If you've been feeling unusually heavy, or depressed and not sure why, or outraged and discontent in a way that just won't let you go on with the same ol' anymore, if the pressure is building in your chest or in your gut and it makes no sense...
Here is what I'm suggesting you do:  DON'T HOLD BACK!!!  DON'T HOLD IT IN!!!  Don't be nice.  Don't mind your manners.  Don't fear the consequences....
Let it out!!!  Cry with a relentless cry to the heavens and the universe!!!  Do not sensor yourself!!  Cry out, shout out, scream, sit in a corner and rock.... but don't hold back what you're feeling in this moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more holding back.....  
No more!!!  No more......  Do not hide what you feel right now, and do not hide from what you feel right now.  
It's not a suicidal thing.... But it is helplessness, hopelessness, madness, insanity!!!  ENUFF! It's "finally fed up"....  I can't hold it in any longer.  I hurt.  The world hurts.  This is insane!  This is enuff..........

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Speak Your Heart

Go ahead! So Speak your heart. 
Speak it loud bold and with all the passion you can muster. 
And then know that it will be challenged and assaulted until YOU are convinced of your own truth!!! 
Then you will know yourself. 
Then will you know your own heart, your true desire.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Blah of it All

This is a very ruff season for many.
It is ruff for me as well.
I'm still waiting for the bad things to collapse and the good things to blossom from the ashes in this matrix we call "the world"...  I really thought there'd be more action by this time this year.
I realize that such catastrophe would be rather catastrophic for many.... but we don't change unless we have to sometimes.
Those that can, will.  Those that can't never could.  
We don't know what we're made of sometimes unless we're forced into that place of proving....
Everything inside me says "JUMP!!!" 
Well.... everything except that one little strand of ego, fear, Capricorn that must follow the rules......
My inner ascending Aquarius is screaming to break free.... 
Any day now... Any day...
It could be today.
There are times that we realize how nothing really matters except love...  
Ah the freedom of it all.
I will get there.  I will.
I hope to see some of you there.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Fight with the desire to die...!  
Do you get it......?


How authentic can I be and still be authentic...??

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I Wish

"I wish" is what you say when you're not really committed to seeing something happen....

Monday, June 11, 2012

Your Destiny - Who You Are

The outcomes and results of the actions you take in this life are hugely dependent on who you are.
The outcomes.... and the results...
are directly associated with who... you... are...
How it turns out, depends on who you are.
Five people can push the same red button and get five different outcomes!
The results, depend on who you are.

We all have a destiny (path) in this life.... But we also have to choose whether or not to find that destiny and follow it, and we have to choose to what degree we'll follow it.
We are not "locked in" to anything! Its our choice. But we're (obviously to me) living in someone else's game right now. A game that at some point we agreed to participate in. There are parameters to this game. Not rules, but rather a design... this is how this is going to work here. Play along, or not. Always your choice!
But finding out who you are is HUGE! HYOOCH!!

You are the current container of a very long and ancient lineage of energy. This may not mean much in the world around us, but on an energetic level and as a part of your destiny, it really helps to begin to be aware of this. It simply brings clarity. Which results in efficiency. This is purpose.

When things don't work in your life, you could be on the wrong path.
Or maybe, you're on the right path, but you're not seeing the things along the way that you need to. So you struggle... till you notice the roses. Or the keys, or the rabbit hole! Or the people that you need to connect to energetically for mutual benefit.

So much about "self-help" these days...!
Gurus, masters, get out of debt, make millions, The Secret.....! Its trendy to say the LEAST!
But if you get real with me.... We all know that shit don't work.....! Right? Am I right??
Well it does work for some... that's why its still around. But here's the thing....
It doesn't work for many because "the many" don't know who they are.

Is all of the "self-help", "awakening" revolution just a steamer?? NO!
There is much MUCH wisdom and goodness from these people! But no ones "plan" or "program" is gonna work for YOU if you don't know who you are.
Your role, or mission, just may not be to roll in the dough in this lifetime!! Doesn't mean all the talk of abundance and prosperity is bullshit! Means, you've taken on a special task for this lifetime that requires you to "be in other places" than you'd be if you had millions. True abundance is everywhere, not just in a bank account!!
And "advanced players" know this! (Breaking it down: Advanced Players being very awake, enlightened and highly evolved souls).

Advanced Players know how to listen. They know how to hear what they need to hear, and disregard the rest, without judgement, criticism, or blame to the source. The more one grows and matures, the more you realize that there are no rules, only a destiny path specifically for you that you can only identify by "feeling right". You begin to realize that you always have exactly what you need when you need it when you're on that "feels right" path. Money no longer matters, bills no longer matter, food no longer matters, health no longer matters, jobs no longer matter, location no longer matters...... so on & so on, and scooby dooby dooooby..... /

Movies like The Secret confuse the hell outta people!!! But that's ok.... No criticism to the makers of that movie. Its an AWESOME piece of work and very timely for our generation. We need this information because we're not gonna get it from those who are supposed to be responsible for us...! (parents, teachers, priests, elected officials, doctors...)
But people try to use the "principles" set forth in the movie as concepts or rules to live by sometimes end up very very frustrated as to why things aren't manifesting in their lives like the movie says they will...
You need to know who you are. Know what you need, to rock your path. Not to live someone else's ideal of what "life" is supposed to be. That's how universal or divine wisdom turns into religion instead of living spirituality. Trying to do what someone else says you're supposed to do in order to get to where you think you're supposed to be. This method will inevitably always deliver less than you need, less than you are capable of, less than what satisfies your soul.
We don't realize how conditioned we are until we find satisfaction and happiness in places we thought we did NOT want to be in! Until we're tried and broken down and as far from our "dreams" as we think we can be, we live in the delusion that this world system has created of what happiness and success are. Abundance is free! Its everywhere! And it is a part of everyone's destiny! But don't try to tame it and put it in a box that you can control... It will allude you. The harder you try, the more it escapes you.
The answer is in letting go.... Know who you are. When you know who you are you no longer worry about provision. You know that you don't need to struggle. You begin to realize that there really is a path just for you and on that path, you have everything you need. Including peace, joy and happiness.

Many people are caught up in what they think will satisfy their soul and make them happy. Many people directly connect happiness to money. The evidence and testimonials abound to the contrary!!! ANYTHING, and I do mean ANYTHING can become a drug or an addiction to keep you from looking yourself in the mirror and getting honest with yourself about who you really are and what your path is.
People assume that getting real means giving up the things you love. I've found it doesn't mean that at all, but it indeed might redefine what you love if you let it....

Who We Are

its very difficult for us to accept who we really are.... its just too far fetched, too science fiction.... too far away from what we've been conditioned to "believe".
but fuck that! I KNOW who we are! I know.
And let me tell you brothers and sisters.... it gets easier the more you just walk in it. You don't have to be something you're not... you don't have to "try"... you just have to allow. allow your self, give yourself permission to be that weird! just be you, no matter how weird it is , its quite natural.... and you will see this for yourself once you start doing it.
I'm not talking to just anybody or certainly not talking to everybody!
You know who you are. and you're NOT crazy! what you are is real... it really is that way.


Create balance.
Rather than fear the uncertainty of life and of all the possibilities that may happen, or could happen....
Create balance.
It is your own energy field that creates unstable environments... this creates 'your worst fear' coming upon you.
If you seek and find balance in your personal space, your body, your home, every little thing... this creates a balanced energy field. This is your aura. This is your "working" energy that you meet and engage the world with.
Yoga. Balance.
Balancing your immediate self really will bring balance into everything else.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ego / Dogs

There's much to be learned about the ego from dogs.  I wonder if dogs haven't been created just for that purpose - to be THE teachers about ego...?
When considering issues of behavior and our relationship with our dog, one mirrors or reflects the other.
If your dog is out of control, chances are your own ego is too.  If your ego is outta control, chances are your dog is too...

Now for the 'stumble-uponner', ego here is not a reference to arrogance or conceitedness, it is simply the part of the mind that is not spirit.
There has to be genuine willingness to explore the causes and roots of these issues in order to achieve real, lasting results.
The effort it takes to get your dog to a balanced state of control, when done correctly, will also balance your ego.
When done incorrectly, it will only  cause more confusion and greater frustration. 

I don't know if anyone is a big enough fan/follower of Cesar Millan to notice that he has quite naturally drifted into being a "speaker" for awareness, for people!  Not dog training!  People....  
Because as I've noticed and said all along, Cesar's Way (no pun intended *that's the name of one of his books*)  of "rehabilitating dogs, training people" is pure awareness teaching!  I don't think even he realized that until recent years.  But he's done it for so long now that its painfully obvious - you can't "train" your dog to be something you yourself are not.  
What you want your dog to be is in DIRECT correlation to who you are, how you think, how you behave, how you re-act.... That's who your dog becomes. 

Cesar calls it "dog psychology".  And he's precisely correct.  Your dog begins to develop it's own order, its own way of life... Based on how she thinks she needs to behave in order to survive your ignorance!
This is exactly the relationship scenario between the mind and the soul of a human being.  The ego and the awareness... one is clueless so the other takes over and leads/controls life.  
That's not how its supposed to be.
Just like your dog is not supposed to rule your life.

A lot of times (most of the time!) this disorder amounts to "bad behavior" on the part of your dog.  And this is because the communication gap is ginormous!  You are speaking two different languages.
But the clincher here is that you don't even realize that your dog has a language and is speaking at all!  

Exactly the same with a human's ego and soul awareness!
People don't even know they have an "ego" and a "soul" and sure as hell don't know the difference between them!

Observe your dog.
Listen to your dog.
See yourself...
If you need help, call a professional (like me)!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Dividing Line

Here is the dividing line... Those who will be self responsible, and those who won't. 
The time is here. The time is now. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...? Well, some didn't forget. Wake up, or enter your own nightmare. Last call.
We do have help!!! We are not alone! But we are in control. Realize your freedom, take responsibility for it, or lose it. The end.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it... The patterns are there for all to see. But in order to see, you have to LOOK.
If all you see is doom, then you aren't looking very well......
Hear everything.
Listen to nothing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Mysteries, The Keys

Those mysteries aren't released to just anybody.... Only to the aware.... Because they're "hidden" right in plain sight.

What would you do if you knew?
What would you do..........?
What would you do differently?
How many times have you heard, "Why didn't you TELL me!?", or "If I had only KNOWN" . . . . . . .
What would you have done.....? Really.
What would you, or anyone for that matter, have done for Whitney...? Or Michael? Or Kurt? Or Amy? What would you have done about 911? What would you have done about Hitler?
People are crying in the streets all over the world warning of how we're all being lied to and used......... What are you doing?
Here's that moment! What are you doing??
Here it is!! Here's your chance! We told you.... You know....
And now...........

Here's your chance to find out who you are.
"Those mysteries aren't released to just anybody.... Only to the aware.... Because they're hidden right in plain sight...."
Can you see the mysteries unfolding?

No one can save you. You don't need to be saved. No one could save Whitney.... Does that mean she didn't need to be saved?
Yes. That's what it means. She lived her life, she touched ours, and she burned out of control. She was done. How could she not know what was coming...? Yet she was who she was.
There's nothing to judge. Nothing to criticize. No one to blame.
Let her go. We will miss her powerful presence, and mourn how she struggled to thrive here. But it was her life. And the same goes for all the rest.
Addictions almost always accompany greatness. Judge not lest you've been there....

The mysteries aren't released to just anybody. Sometimes the mysteries are overwhelming even to the aware.
We come here to this Earth in many different containers. We judge, label, classify and segregate these containers and these ideas become the collective consciousness of the majority. We call it a "society". We call our differences "culture".
And we criticize everything based on that system.
To not fit into that system means struggle.
What would you do if you knew....?
Find who you are. Then you've found the keys. Then you have the ability to unlock the mysteries.... The truth is right in front of you. The "keys" are your willingness to see it.
The keys are your willingness to see it . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monday, February 20, 2012


Accept who you are.
You may have become a stranger to yourself over the years of "growing up"... I know I did!
And it has taken over half a lifetime to journey full circle and meet myself as an old friend.
I'm really cool!
I love me!
I LIKE me!
I missed me....
I'm proud of the journey I've made.
I've accepted who I am...

And there's no glory in it.... No fan-fare, no parade, no fireworks, no award, no ceremony.... Just acceptance.
I don't have to strive to make an impact, or change the world, or myself, or anyone else...
I just have to be here, and be me. Its natural, its familiar, its real.... Its what everybody in my path needs from me.
Whatever I do, however I do it, I'm just me....
No labels.
No documents.
No affiliations.
Just Keris.
Some can't accept that its that simple and so they hide themselves with labels....
Just like in the book of Genesis, who told you you were naked?
You were perfect the way you were but you doubted that and hid, and thus began the pain of trying to earn acceptance that was already freely given....

Accept it.
You're free.
Be you.
You ARE the change, you ARE the shift, you ARE the one....  Its you.
(Genesis 3:9,10,11)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Personal Yoga

Be kind to your muscles...
Most "exercise" is ignorance and non-productive.
First, feed your muscles. Most assume all they need is protein. No, no, no.....
Muscles need calcium!!!
Muscles need magnesium....
Muscles need potassium...
Muscles need moisture in the form of water and oils...

Be conscious of this. 
There is no "instruction" with this. 
Feel it. Be aware of it. Listen to your body.
Then stretch. 
This is intuitive, personal yoga. 
Listen to your body. Stretch. Hold for a count of 10 to 15, even 20. Slowly release. 
Do the exact same movement on the other side. 
Feel it. Does it feel the same? If not, find it. Adjust your directions, positions, angles till it feels the same as the first side did.

The purpose is balance. 
Find it. Seek it. It is there. 
Let your body live. Connect to it. Feel it from within. It is yours. Know it. 

Breathe at your own pace, but breathe. 
Don't force anything. Just do it. Just move, hold, breathe, listen, feel... relax. Relax............................................................


You have to know when to hold'em, 
Know when to fold'em, 
Know when to walk away, and 
Know when to run.... 
You have to KNOW! 
Cuz there ain't no rules to fall back on anymore. The time for rules is over. 
Its time to come out into the light of day and be who you are - no rules required. Freedom. You Know! 

Poor Ego...

Some say to get rid of the ego altogether.
Like it's a cancer or something. Well cancer begins as part of a body's normal cell life, and then goes awry - becoming cancer, growing out of control.

Control the cell growth, repair the imbalance that caused/allowed the excessive growth to begin with, then there's no need to cut out a chunk of your body!

The ego exists for a reason. Just as the earth exists for a reason. Whether it is an illusion or not... we are conscious of it!
I think therefore I am.... Well, I think I'm on earth. Therefore IT IS.

Ok, its an illusion! But its a mass illusion. We're all seeing, or thinking, the same thing. There's a reason for that. Just like there's a reason for ego.

Is the ego bad? Is it nothing more than a cancer causing all the ills of the world?
What is the ego? Where did it come from?
Did it come from life or death? Love or fear?
Where was the ego before?


death is only painful when there is regret left in the life lived... unfinished business.
don't let things go unresolved in life.

you don't have to fear death. death holds no more fear than life does. sort thru your fears in life and death will be a welcomed and beautiful transition.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Before We Were Born

Sometimes we are 
the sum 
or product 
or player 
of events that were set in motion long before we were even born...  

Connected by choices
Equals YOU - who you are, your identity, your finger print on the universe.


Freedom is a two-sided coin:  Laziness / Responsibility
Laziness is often misdiagnosed.
Responsibility is often misdiagnosed.
In which case, neither is freedom.

Definition of Ego

Ego is the sum of an equation calculated by your brain that takes on manifesting powers: energy.
This constant flow of energy becomes a "personality" - your ego.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Create / Allow

Don't create attachments, don't create separations.
Allow connections, allow space.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are You Ready to Live in a Cashless Society?

Are you ready to live in a cashless society?

I have been thru the stages.... Innocence, religious, hedonistic... interspersed with emptiness, confusion & frustration.

One thing I have come to see as an essential realization is that each of us has our own path and each path serves us individually as we need. This is one reason nothing "works" for everybody all the time.

Do I want to live in a cashless society? Hmmm....
Do I want to win that $80 million dollar lottery this week? HELL YES!
Let's examine this.

Why do I want to win an $80 million dollar lottery?
Why do I hesitate at the thought of a cashless society?
What does $80 million dollars represent to me?
What do I really want???

You know you've hit upon a "universal law" when every scenario and subject matter leads you to the same answers....
In this case - FREEDOM.

I want the freedom of conscience to know that I have paid others for the products or services that I've received from them. Anything less is stealing. And that makes me feel bad.
I want to give freely to help others without fear of running out of resources for myself.
I want to be able to use my creative mind freely and produce useful and entertaining things for myself and others in this world.
I want to be free to have FUN!
I want to enjoy life freely and take as many with me as will come!
I want to make the world a better place...

Is this so wrong???
$80 million dollars would make all these things possible!
Where would these dreams be in a cashless society?
Where would my feelings be in a cashless society?

Well, what is "cash"?
In the world around us and deep in our psyche, cash represents value. Face it, if you don't have enough cash, you tend to feel "worthless"... right? Cash is indelibly connected to our own sense of self worth. How do we get cash? Well we can earn it thru working, or we can take someone else's without working.... We can convince others to freely give us their cash by making them think we've earned it when we really haven't....

How do these methods of getting cash make us feel...??? How does this affect our sense of self worth?
Working hard makes us feel worthy of the cash we receive. Working very hard but receiving very little cash in return makes us feel frustrated, even angry.... because we feel that we've earned more, that we're "worth more" than the amount of cash we were given. We feel that the one giving us the cash for our work does not truly value us. We feel used.
Taking someone else's cash that we have not worked for makes us feel "wrong", guilty, or afraid of the consequences of being caught. This is not happiness or freedom.
Convincing someone to freely give us their cash by telling them that what we offer them is worth that amount of cash, when we know consciously that it isn't worth much at all.... again makes us feel "wrong"... afraid of being called into account, afraid of being dishonest... afraid. This too, is short of happiness and freedom.
The perfect cash scenario is to offer a very valuable service or product and get paid richly for its great value and become wealthy by honest means.

How does this actually happen in our real world? Can you name an example? Do you believe that all wealthy people lie, cheat or deal dishonestly at some point in order to accomplish their wealth? Do they always tell the truth about their products, employees, services, resources and methods of production?
Why do you believe that? What evidence do you have that convinces you?

Cash is not only indelibly tied to my psyche, but also to the psyche of the giver. He who has the cash rules the world. This simply put, is control.

Back to what I really want...
I want the freedom of conscience...
I want to give freely...
I want to be able to use my creative mind freely...
I want to be free to have FUN!
I want to enjoy life freely...
I want to make the world a better place...

Do those that have all the cash do these things?
Some do.... Some, maybe most, don't. Why? Afraid of losing..... control. Afraid of being called into accountability.

What does a cashless society look like?
What do we use for "value"?
How do we know how valuable we are? Without cash.... Without money.... Without someone controlling us with fear of doing without....

I have experienced that without cash to open all these doors to freedom, I am forced to look for my self worth in other places. My sense of value is obviously not in cash! My sense of value is in truth, respect, integrity... More and more everyday, those in higher places of authority are being exposed as being void of this cashless sense of self value. They are being exposed for cheating, covering up truth, manipulating the system, milking the system thru community ignorance, over-indulging in luxuries... and now they're sick, jailed, lying to get out of trouble... and they're losing everything... losing their cash, losing their empires. Losing respect. Losing control... What are they worth now...? And without this "control" of the cash, how are they surviving??? Somehow they are still eating, still being clothed, still bathing.... Still breathing, still thinking, still seeing.... Still... feeling? What is their worth? How do they evaluate themselves now? How do we evaluate them? What did cash do for them that we want so badly to be a part of?

We may protest at this insinuation, that we would never do dishonest things with an abundance of cash!

But why wouldn't we??? How well do you know yourself?

We assume ignorantly and blindly that cash is all there is.
Is cash evil?
Are guns evil?
Are drugs evil?
Is food evil?
Or is it really the people that kill people...?

Are you ready for a cashless society? I'm getting there.
Are you ready to give up all the things you really want? I'm not!
Is there another way....? Absolutely!